
1,110 participants begin day two of $2.4 million, 60-km Weekend Walk BC Cancer Foundation’s 7th annual fundraiser a signature success

August 15, 2010

Found in News

August 15, 2010, Vancouver, BC – The BC Cancer Foundation announced yesterday that 1,100 participants raised over $2.4 million in its seventh annual Shoppers Drug Mart Weekend to End Women’s Cancers™, the Foundation’s signature, 60-km walk to support cancer research at the BC Cancer Agency. The eighth annual Weekend to End Women’s Cancers is already planned for August 13-14, 2011.

Walkers set out early yesterday morning after a motivational Opening Ceremony at UBC‘s Thunderbird Sports Fields. After walking just over 30 kilometres, they returned to find a “Tent City” had been erected, complete with hot showers and meals and live entertainment. Despite a few sore feet, participants had no problem getting up early this morning to walk the final 30 km to the finish line. Their weekend journey ends today at 3:30 p.m. with an emotional Closing Ceremonies back at UBC Thunderbird Sports Fields.

Hundreds of Volunteers and Crew are on hand to provide support over the two-day event, serving meals, water and snack stops, transporting gear and ensuring that everything from portable restrooms, safety on the streets and comprehensive medical services is provided.

“Without our wonderful Volunteers and Crew and the tremendous support of our Walkers and the community, the Shoppers Drug Mart Weekend to End Women’s Cancers would not be the success that it has been these past six years,” said Douglas Nelson, President and CEO of BC Cancer Foundation and a two-time Weekend walker. “From supporters along the route cheering on the Walkers, to donors, to the Walkers themselves, each and every person taking part in this Weekend has played a role in finding a cure for breast and gynecologic cancers.”

“Thanks to the support of Weekend Walkers and their donors, BC Cancer Agency researchers and clinicians can continue to make life-saving advances in breast and women’s cancers,” said Agency oncologist and ovarian cancer researcher Dr. Jessica McAlpine. “Funds raised through the past six Weekend events have enabled us to expand research across the province, as well as support clinical research trials that can lead to more effective treatments and provide our patients with a better quality of life.”

The Shoppers Drug Mart Weekend to End Women’s Cancers benefits the BC Cancer Foundation, which raises funds to support research and enhancements to patient care at the BC Cancer Agency, an international leader in cancer control and research. The BC Cancer Foundation funds more cancer research in B.C. than any other charity. For more information about the Shoppers Drug Mart Weekend to End Women’s Cancers or to register for 2011, please call (604) 684-WALK (9255), or visit www.endcancer.ca.
