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The 2012 Ride to Conquer Cancer

June 18, 2012

Hi everyone,

Just a quick interruption of Dr. Sorensen’s posts to share exciting news:

As many of you are aware, the Ride to Conquer Cancer took place this past weekend, and I am very pleased to report that the Ride has raised $11.2 million for research at the BC Cancer Agency, our highest total ever!

Braving wet weather and aching muscles with high spirits, more than 3,000 riders crossed the finish line on Sunday. The smiling faces I saw out on the road were truly inspiring and clearly reflected the commitment of British Columbians to cancer research. We should all feel proud of what we have accomplished together.

As a fellow rider, I know first-hand that hope and optimism are the catalysts that keep our bike pedals moving forward. Hope and optimism fuel our commitment to cancer research, both on the Ride and all year round. At camp on Saturday, we heard inspiring stories from cancer survivors and Agency researchers about why the Ride is so important, and the difference it makes for cancer patients and their families, each and every day.

Over the past four years, the Ride has raised $39.1 million for cancer research at the BC Cancer Agency. Thanks to the dedication of our riders, this research is changing the cancer landscape in B.C. and will provide hope for the more than 24,000 British Columbians who will be diagnosed with cancer this year.  

On behalf of everyone at the BC Cancer Foundation, thank you to all our participants, volunteers and supporters for your incredible strength and commitment. You have made this year’s Ride our most successful ever. Because of you, our partners in discovery, we are getting ever closer to achieving our goal of a world free from cancer. Congratulations!

