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BC Cancer Foundation Raises $58 million in 2013

June 28, 2013

Hello everyone,

Across the globe, cancer research is advancing at a rapid pace and the depth of our understanding of the disease and how to treat it is reaching new heights. This year, more than 100,000 donors partnered with the BC Cancer Foundation to raise an incredible $58 million for cancer research right here in British Columbia.

These funds support the most promising cancer research initiatives and innovations in care at the BC Cancer Agency to produce results and make a difference for the more than 24,000 British Columbians who will hear the words “you have cancer.” We are changing the future of cancer in our province and beyond and we haven’t done it alone.

Our donors are our partners in discovery and as partners, they bring us closer to our vision of a world free from cancer. I invite you to visit our website to view the online version of our 2013 Report to Donors and see the difference our donors have made this year. On behalf of everyone at the BC Cancer Foundation, thank you for your generous support.
