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Benefits of Research Today, Plans for the Future

July 30, 2015

Hello, Dr. Rasika Rajapakshe here with my final blog post as the BC Cancer Foundation’s guest blogger! Today, I’d like to share some of the benefits of our current research and the challenges we plan to tackle in the future.

Innovative Technology

My passion for research is fueled by the long term differences and improvements we can make in cancer patient care. The development and use of MammoQC, our digital mammography quality-control system, ensures that mammography equipment across B.C. is functioning safely and properly.

As mentioned in last week’s blog, our EBRT collision detection software ultimately looks to eliminate the re-planning process caused by potential collisions during treatment. We are also working on the use of an infrared depth sensor—known as an “Xbox Kinect”—to obtain precise 3D patient models for increased accuracy in treatment simulations. The future really is now!

Early Detection

In regards to breast cancer, we are working on developing methods to personalize early detection by considering risk factors such as breast density and family history. Through early detection, we can intercept the disease at a manageable stage. With this we hope to eliminate the fear of breast cancer altogether.

Outcomes Database

We are also working on developing an online platform for collecting patient reported outcomes following treatment. Because the BC Cancer Agency services the entire province, many of our patients can be from rural areas, making it difficult for them to return for follow-up appointments.

With increased access to the patient’s perspective through this online platform, we can facilitate changes in treatment policies that will directly benefit future patients in our care. This data will also provide opportunities for quality of life research across the province.


I still cannot believe that my initial love for physics has led me this far. It has been an amazing journey; however, there are always aspects of our work that we can improve, and that is why I love my job.

Thank you again for your interest in my blog. 

For more information on our Early Detection Research Team and our research, please visit our website at www.earlydetection.ca.
