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Challenges in the Present, Hope for the Future

February 27, 2015

Cancer has proven itself as a difficult disease to cure. With the continued support of BC Cancer Foundation donors, the BC Cancer Agency will maintain its bold direction in leading cancer research and care and one day, we will be fortunate enough to have a cure.  

I participate in as many Foundation events as I am able, and it is often at these events that I meet patients who have been positively impacted by our endeavours. Sadly, we don’t always have success stories.

You might wonder how cancer care providers cope with the emotional challenges they face every day. It can certainly be overwhelming at times but everyone has different ways of dealing with these challenges. Any one of my patients could be my friends or family, so I never want to lose the ability to feel others' suffering. It is a tremendous privilege to care for patients dealing with this horrible disease.

Thanks for reading my blogs this month,