March is colorectal cancer awareness month, and since colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer, and the second leading cause of cancer death, it’s certainly an important cancer to be aware of.
Often, colorectal cancer is diagnosed at a later stage, when it is harder to treat. But if it’s detected early, the survival rate for colorectal cancer is over 90 per cent.
This is why the BC Cancer Agency and the province launched a pilot screening program in Penticton and Powell River called Colon Check. Residents there aged 50 – 74 who do not currently have any symptoms can get an easy at-home screening test.

And for those of you in the Metro Vancouver area, the BC Cancer Agency and the BC Cancer Foundation will be hosting a Colorectal Cancer Forum on Saturday, March 27thfrom 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Patients, survivors and caregivers can get the latest information and answers on the research, care and treatment of colorectal cancer directly from BC Cancer Agency experts.
The event is free, but we ask that you RSVP to 604-877-6162, as lunch and refreshments will be also be provided. I hope that many of you affected by this cancer can take advantage of an excellent opportunity to learn more about the progress being made in research and treatment at the BC Cancer Agency.
Warm regards,