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Dr. Karen Goddard: About Me and my Practice

September 5, 2013

As a radiation oncologist at the BC Cancer Agency, I find my work really interesting and challenging. I am a full time clinician and have a very busy practice which includes caring for adult lung cancer, adult sarcoma and pediatric oncology patients. In addition, I organize long term follow-up for many adults who were previously treated for childhood cancer.

I grew up in the north of England and moved to B.C. over 20 years ago. My training in internal medicine was completed in the UK and my training in radiation oncology took place at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto. I completed a fellowship in pediatric radiation oncology at the Hospital for Sick Children and Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto. My first job as a specialist was here in B.C. and I was given that opportunity by Dr. Stewart Jackson.

Dr. Jackson was Head of the Radiation Oncology Department at the BC Cancer Agency from 1977 to 1995. He was a great leader and a wonderful mentor to me and many of my colleagues, setting the course for the development of radiation oncology as a specialty in British Columbia.  Dr. Jackson made the Provincial Radiation Oncology Program what it is today, emphasizing the importance of excellence both in research and clinical care. He wrote a very interesting book about the history of radiation oncology in British Columbia. You can find a link to a PDF of this book here:


When I started at the BC Cancer Agency, I realized that this was a hospital that really had the patient’s best interests at heart.

I look forward to sharing more about my work throughout September,
