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David MacLean: Facing Cancer with Vulnerability, Courage and Love

September 25, 2024

David McLean

David MacLean calls 2023 his “Annis Mirabilis” – a play on “Annis Horribilis”, the term made famous by Queen Elizabeth II during a particularly dark year. Annis Mirabilis translates to “Wonderful Year.” A perhaps unexpected outlook for a year that included 64 cancer treatments, tests, assessments and appointments.

David, who lives a healthy lifestyle and has minimal family history of cancer, is facing what he calls “the trifecta of cancers.” Since late 2022, he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, lymphoma and basal cell carcinoma.

While undergoing brachytherapy for early-stage prostate cancer at BC Cancer  Kelowna under world-renowned brachytherapy pioneer, Dr. Juanita Crook, he received an abnormal blood test.

Further testing uncovered Stage 4 Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in David’s bone marrow. Fortunately, he has access to leading-edge treatments, including immunotherapy and chemotherapy, at home in Kelowna.

“I thought back to someone I heard of who underwent chemo years ago and I remember thinking the side effects of the treatment sounded worse than the cancer. But that hasn’t been my experience at all. I haven’t even lost my hair – it’s actually become thicker and curlier,” David says.

David didn’t dwell on why he was dealt this hand and instead took inspiration from Canadian hero Terry Fox. “A colleague who was a friend of Terry’s recalls Terry being asked,  ‘Why is this happening to you?’ Terry responded with saying that was the wrong question to ask.  The right question is, ‘Why is this happening for me? How can I learn from this? How can I become a better person?’ So that’s what I wanted my attitude to be in this.”

David is carefully approaching his journey with vulnerability, courage and love – the pillars he has based his personal and professional life on as a leadership coach. It took on a more profound meaning in this new context.

He opened up to his family, friends, clients and colleagues, and began sharing regular updates on the highs and lows of his treatment journey.

Through Zoom prayer times with extended family, his wife’s steadfast support,  and friends, clients and colleagues sharing prayers and messages of encouragement, David’s community – spanning Canada and beyond – embraced him.

Embracing Love and Fulfillment

During his intense chemo journey in 2023, he also fulfilled a longtime goal of self-publishing a book, Wholehearted Leadership – Volume 1available for purchase on Amazon. David is donating $1 from each sale to the BC Cancer Foundation to give back to his “outstanding” care team at BC Cancer Kelowna.

“My cancer journey has been an amazing gift in a way. It’s allowed me to experience a new depth of relationship and love with my family, friends, clients and colleagues.”

David recalls the support of Jill White – one of the leaders David coaches and also a member of the BC Cancer Foundation’s Beyond Belief Cabinet – while discussing a possible sabbatical. Physically he felt well, but his mentor recommended a break to maintain his mental health, yet David was reluctant to step back.

“Jill said, on behalf of all my CEO leadership clients, ‘All you need to know is we’re wholly supportive of what you decide. Do what you need to do. We’re with you 100%.’ I felt very honored and loved by that, which enabled me to step back from my work with confidence.” he says.

David enjoyed 4 months not “doing” much of anything apart from spending time with his loved ones in between treatments, surgeries and other appointments – which he refers to as an “incredible gift of love” from his clients.

“I believe that vulnerability is the doorway to depth of relationship. As I walked in vulnerability regarding my cancer journeys, my community of family, friends, clients and colleagues surrounded me with incredible love.  Their love has changed me and, no doubt, contributed to the positive outcome of my cancer journeys.”

“I am so very grateful for the amazing people I get to do life with!”

David McLean

Life Beyond Cancer is Within Reach

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