
Fashion meets philanthropy – top model search launched today

March 10, 2010

Found in General

Today we officially launched the ITM Model Look North America 2010, and BC Cancer Foundation is pleased to be the charity partner for the second year in a row!

We’re really grateful to CHMB AM1320 radio and to ITM Model Look Corp. for their partnership – they are so supportive of what we do.

This event is not only a contest to find the top new models in North America, it’s also a great opportunity to raise awareness of the BC Cancer Agency and the BC Cancer Foundation within the Asian community.

All ticket sales to the contest finals and from the Glamour Gala Dinner that follows will support the purchase of a second PET/CT scanner at the BC Cancer Agency, as part of the Centre of Excellence for Functional Cancer Imaging led by Dr. François Bénard.

Currently, the BC Cancer Agency has the only publicly-funded PET/CT scanner in all of British Columbia, and it’s performing about 3,100 scans a year.  But there are still about 12,000 – 13,000 people waiting for PET scans.

ITM Model Look North America 2010Models and BC Cancer Agency researchers at the launch of ITM Model Look North America 2010


PET scans show exactly where cancer is located in a patient’s body and provide visual images of the size and spread of the tumours like never before.

This will be such a powerful tool for clinicians in making treatment decisions, will reduce unnecessary surgeries, and will reveal almost right away if a patient’s treatment is effective.

Click here to find out more about how you can support the BC Cancer Foundation through this event or contact John Andru, 604-707-5815 orjandru@bccancer.bc.ca.

Warm regards,