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How B.C. Donors Support Cancer Research and Innovations to Care

February 26, 2015

The collaboration and partnership of the BC Cancer Foundation with the BC Cancer Agency is of great value to our patients and all British Columbians. We all have friends, family or loved ones who have been impacted by cancer. The BC Cancer Foundation brings donors, cancer patients, families, health professionals and scientists together to find a solution for this disease.

There is no doubt that BC Cancer Foundation donors play a major role in the advancement of research and innovations to patient care in our province. The Abbotsford Centre has received tremendous support from BC Cancer Foundation donors and the Abbotsford community.

In 2013, the third annual An Afternoon in Paradiso was held in Abbotsford and raised over $40,000! This funding went towards purchasing a second gastroscope for our brachytherapy unit. The gastroscope has enabled us to enhance our standard of care in treating esophageal cancer patients using endoscopic guided brachytherapy technique.

Additional donations to the BC Cancer Foundation have been used to support cancer research and have enabled the radiation therapy department to upgrade the treatment units with RapidArc technology, which has revolutionized care for cancer patients.

I will share a few thoughts on the future in my final blog post,

Thanks for reading!