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How Research is Saving Lives – Cher Stephen’s Story

September 21, 2020

Cher Stephens - cancer survivorAfter dealing with the devastation of colorectal cancer, Victoria, BC resident Cher Stephens could hardly believe the news when she was diagnosed a second time with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

Thrust into new treatment, Cher’s diagnosis and condition took a turn for the worst when her chemotherapy was found to be ineffective. Deemed as palliative, Cher made the decision to start on two new targeted drugs, one of which, Venetoclax, is currently being trialed at BC Cancer. In a drastic turn of events, Cher’s cancer responded, and she is now in full remission.

“New medications and treatment options are critical for patients when no other options are available,” says Cher. “Before I started on these two targeted treatments, I felt like there was no hope for me. Today, I am living proof of the impact that research has on new treatments that save lives.”

Dr. Florian Kuchenbauer

Lead researcher, Dr. Florian Kuchenbauer, has been actively working on the research behind Venetoclax and is encouraged by the success seen in Cher’s diagnosis.

Research is critical for treatment development and innovation. With donor support, more patients like Cher will have access to personalized, targeted treatment options that will change their outcome.

Dr. Florian KuchenbauerTo learn more about how you can support live-saving research and have your donation matched until October 31, 2020 visit our website here.