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Introducing April Guest Blogger Dr. Scott Tyldesley

April 3, 2013

Hello everyone,

First of all, thank you to Dr. Brad Nelson for providing an inside look at the work being done to advance immunotherapy research at Victoria’s Deeley Research Centre. Immunotherapy is a truly exciting frontier and philanthropy is helping to propel this project forward for the benefit of patients across the province.

And now, please join me in welcoming our guest blogger for April: Dr. Scott Tyldesley is a radiation oncologist at the BC Cancer Agency, specializing in genitourinary and breast cancers. He is an expert in health policy, health services research and needs assessment and chair of the BC Cancer Agency’s Breast Outcomes Unit.

We are thrilled that Dr. Tyldesley will be joining hundreds of British Columbians on April 13, as a participant in Bust a Move for Breast Health! I hope you will follow along as Dr. Tyldesley shares about the impact donors can have for research and innovations in care right here in B.C.

Thanks for reading,
