
Introducing Bust a Move for Breast Health!

May 15, 2012

Found in Breast Cancer

On behalf of everyone at the BC Cancer Foundation, I am so thrilled to introduce you to our epic new event–Bust a Move for Breast Health. Launched this afternoon with an exhilarating outdoor fitness session at the Vancouver Art Gallery’s Georgia St. Plaza, Bust a Move will change the face of breast cancer research for the benefit of patients across the province and beyond.

On April 13, 2013 hundreds of participants will converge at the Richmond Olympic Oval for the MOVEment of the year: a day-long fitness fundraising extravaganza that will make a difference for the more than 3,200 British Columbians who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. Designed for participants of all fitness levels, Bust a Move is a celebration and an opportunity to support life-saving breast cancer research taking place at the BC Cancer Agency.

This month you’ve been hearing from Dr. Sohrab Shah who has played an integral part in breakthrough breast cancer research at the BC Cancer Agency that is changing the way the world thinks about this disease. And, in recent weeks, I’ve highlighted the tremendous results of breast cancer research at the BC Cancer Agency and the potential impact for next generation treatments and improved outcomes for breast cancer patients. Your support of Bust a Move will ensure this research continues to move forward, toward our vision of a world free from cancer.

Like the Weekend to End Women’s Cancers that came before it, Bust a Move joins our tremendously successful events, the Ride to Conquer Cancer and the Underwear Affair, in bringing thousands of people together to make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

I invite you all to join the MOVEment by visiting: www.bustamove.ca.

Now, back to Dr. Shah. Thank you for reading, and I look forward to seeing you at Bust a Move next April!
