
Introducing December’s guest blogger

December 7, 2010

December always seems to be such a busy month.  Shopping, parties and other festive activities can make for a hectic season.

I pause when I remember that thousands of British Columbians and their loved ones will spend this season in the middle of a cancer journey. 

So, while I know that some of you might not be checking in as often over the next few weeks, we’re still going to continue blogging and informing you of the amazing work taking place throughout the province every day at the BC Cancer Agency.

With that, it gives me great pleasure to turn the blog over this month to Dr. Devin Schellenberg. 

Dr. Schellenberg is a radiation oncologist at the BC Cancer Agency’s Fraser Valley and Abbotsford Centres, and he is also the head of the Clinical Trials Unit at the Abbotsford Centre. I’m certain that with these two areas of expertise, Dr. Schellenberg is going to bring a very interesting perspective to our blog.

Warm regards,
