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Introducing Dr. Aly Karsan

November 3, 2011

Found in General

Around the office at the BC Cancer Foundation we are still thrilled with the success of last week’s Inspiration Gala event. To those of you who attended or volunteered – thank you again for your support – we could not have raised over $1.5 million without you!

Last week concluded Dr. Karen Gelmon’s guest blog posts – thank you Dr. Gelmon for sharing your experience at the BC Cancer Agency with us. It was interesting to learn about Phase I clinical trials and how you are involved in breast cancer research.

Now we turn to November, and I would like to introduce our next guest blogger, Dr. Aly Karsan. Dr. Karsan’s blogging is timely because he is one of the lead researchers for the personalized medicine project initiative – which last week’s 2011 Inspiration Gala supported. Dr. Karsan will now share some of his experiences at the BC Cancer Agency with us as well as how he first became interested in cancer research.

Please join me in following Dr. Karsan’s posts this month.
