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Leaving a Legacy Gift

May 20, 2022

Inspired by the incredible level of comprehensive care she received at BC Cancer, Michele Morris is giving back by leaving a gift in her will to the BC Cancer Foundation.

Michele Morris is leaving a legacy gift in her will to the BC Cancer Foundation

When Michele Morris received her first cancer diagnosis, her first thought was that her test results had been mixed up with someone else’s. When she received her second diagnosis just 10 weeks later, she was certain she had been “punked.” However, reality set in quickly.

After processing her diagnoses, Michele learnt as much as she could about her cancers. “There’s a sense of control that is gained when you begin to feel informed about your cancer,” she says. “I embraced everything that BC Cancer had to offer in terms of complimentary therapies like meditation and relaxation courses, as well as traditional treatment protocols of surgery, chemo and radiation.”

In addition to the care that Michele received, her support system – initially made up of family and friends – expanded as she connected with the staff and other patients at BC Cancer.

It is the care and support, in addition to the treatments, that Michele received when first diagnosed 12 years ago that has motivated her and her husband Bruce to leave a gift in their will to the BC Cancer Foundation.

“The professionalism and compassion of each person at BC Cancer was a privilege for me to witness firsthand as I ventured through my own cancer journey. I will forever be grateful to all the staff, especially my dedicated oncologist, Dr. Marianne Taylor, and David Greenshields, who is a social worker in Patient and Family Counselling. The practices that I learned from him are ones that I still utilize daily.”

When asked what she would say to someone considering leaving a gift in their will to benefit British Columbians facing cancer, Michele says that she would invite anyone in B.C. who has been touched by cancer to consider leaving a gift to the BC Cancer Foundation.

“Your gift will help provide leading research and exceptional care in B.C. and beyond. A legacy gift to the BC Cancer Foundation was a very easy decision for us to make.”

As the fundraising partner of BC Cancer, every dollar we raise advances care across BC Cancer’s six world-class centers and research programs. Learn more about leaving a gift in your will.