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A Message from BC Cancer’s Chief Medical Officer

April 15, 2020

Found in Community,  General

Message from Dr. Kim N. Chi on COVID-19

Dear Supporters,

Every day I see first-hand the impact your donations have on cancer care in the clinic. On behalf of our BC Cancer teams across the province, I offer my sincere gratitude to you for your support.

As we face the many challenges of COVID-19 within our homes, community and in our health care system, your response to the BC Cancer COVID-19 Response Fund has been the heart-warming lift we, and our patients need, during this time.

This is an unprecedented challenge, but I am incredibly proud of my BC Cancer colleagues who have rallied to adjust protocols and continue delivering the life-saving care tens of thousands of patients across the province count on.

Our priorities are keeping our patients and staff safe while continuing to provide the best in cancer care as we can. We have shifted to having the majority of assessments performed using virtual health and providing all our staff with the personal protective equipment they need.

Although seeing someone in person is always preferred, from my own clinics the virtual care experience has been excellent and appreciated by patients who know we are trying to keep them as safe as possible by minimizing public trips.

Each day, we are working to support cancer patients who have been impacted by the current turmoil. Donations to the BC Cancer Foundation are helping provide patients with accommodation close to their BC Cancer centre, safe travel, gift cards to help with groceries, and innovations in care.

A generous family has stepped up to match all donations to the BC Cancer COVID-19 Response Fund up to $100,000. As long-time supporters to BC Cancer, I have met them personally and am incredibly grateful for their support, and yours.

Donations from our community have always been a difference-maker, critical in helping advance our work. Cancer doesn’t stop. Neither will we. BC Cancer is as resolute as ever to continue our work, providing the excellence in care our patients need today.

Your support has immediate benefits for our team’s ability to innovate care and will ease the burden many patients are facing today.

Thank you,

Dr. Kim N. Chi
Chief Medical Officer, BC Cancer

Learn more about supporting the BC Cancer COVID-19 Response Fund Here.