
Nine-year-old painter sells stunning artwork for charity

June 4, 2020

Found in Community,  General

Kate Morrissy pictured with art piece that sold for $1,000
Kate Morrissy pictured with art piece that sold for $1,000 in an online auction. Photo credit: CTV Vancouver

Nine-year-old Kate Morrissy is proving that you’re never too young to make a difference.

With schools closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the budding artist has been dedicating extra time to her favourite hobby – painting. And it’s all for a good cause.

“I posted three of her paintings on my Instagram, and not long afterwards I was receiving inquiries from people wanting to purchase them,” says Karen Kerr, Kate’s mother.

That’s when Kate had an idea – she could use her talents to help support some worthy causes in the community.

“Kate said to me, ‘I would love to sell my paintings, but I think the money should go to charity,” says Karen.

With face to face interactions currently on hold, a colleague of Karen’s helped set up an online auction to sell Kate’s artwork and invited their colleagues to join in.

Kate Morrissy raised over $2,000 for BC Cancer Foundation and the Vancouver AquariumThe auction raised over $2,000, with 25 people taking part and bidding on the paintings.

Kate donated the proceeds to the BC Cancer Foundation and the Vancouver Aquarium.

Having lost her mother (Kate’s grandmother) to breast cancer, Karen says Kate has always been interested in raising money for cancer research and care.

For Kate, it’s also an opportunity to show that lending a helping hand in your community can start at any age.

“I was so happy to get to work on my art and show that kids can make a difference,” she says. “This made me feel great!”

A former painter herself, Karen has picked up her paintbrush once again and is relishing the time she gets to spend with Kate while enjoying a hobby they both love.

“It just makes me realize there is a silver lining to this pandemic,” she says. “Having extra time to spend with your family is the bright spot in all of this.”

The pair recently made prints of Kate’s paintings available for purchase for $30 – inquiries can be sent to: katesartforcharity@gmail.com

Painting by Kate Morrissy

Painting by Kate Morrissy