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PET/CT Brings Hope for Future

February 28, 2017

To wrap up my blog, I’d like to highlight two exciting ways that the use of PET imaging is evolving:

  1. Medical isotopes are being investigated in Vancouver and at sites around the world to provide more specific options for imaging and treating cancer; and
  2. Theranostics—the integration of diagnostics and therapeutics in the individualized management of disease—holds promise for a more personalized approach to diagnosis and treatment for many types of cancer. In certain neuroendocrine tumours, we are now able to use gallium (NETRACER) to image the disease and lutetium to treat it. Similarly, gallium/lutetium-labeled molecules can be used to image and treat prostate cancer. More combinations for other types of cancer are on the horizon.


“The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.”

I am optimistic, now that the era of truly personalized medicine is here, that strategies for prevention and treatment of cancer will increasingly be tailored to the individual and their disease. As a result, I feel that PET imaging will play a growing role in cancer care.

I want to thank the BC Cancer Foundation again for supporting the initiative to bring a PET/CT scanner to Victoria and I invite everyone to join me on the Ride to Conquer Cancer in August!
