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Philanthropy, Research and the Ride to Conquer Cancer

August 19, 2015

BC Cancer Foundation donors have helped me build a strong foundation for oral cancer research. The hallmark of my research is the COOLS trial, a surgical study using a blue-light device invented at the BC Cancer Agency to better outline the surgical margins for patients receiving surgery.

This is a pan-Canadian study involving oral cancer patients, head and neck surgeons, and pathologists at cancer centres across Canada. We are now actively collecting follow-up data from 400 patients across seven participating sites and hopefully we can have this new approach adopted into general practice so that it can benefit more patients in Canada as well as in the world.

The Ride to Conquer Cancer

Dr. Catherine Poh at the Ride to Conquer Cancer

Five years ago, I started participating in the Ride to Conquer Cancer to raise awareness and funding for oral cancer research. This year’s ride will be held August 29-30.

The Better Outcomes’ former co-captain, Dr. Michele Williams, passed away from cancer earlier this year. This year’s team, Better Outcomes’ 2015, is dedicated to her, to support The Dr. Michele Williams Oral Cancer Research and Education Fund. Michele, my close colleague, was a proud supporter of oral cancer research. Many of her friends and family have joined this year’s team!

Please join us in this challenging and rewarding experience. Donate or ride with us! Together we can make a difference!

Supporting Patients

With a generous patient’s help, we have developed a patient support initiative. We have seen many patients go through this journey without knowing that the mouth can have cancer, which treatment will benefit them the most, what they should expect from their treatment, how they should prepare themselves before, during and after treatment, and what to do about their family and friends, etc. Your support is crucial to help these patients overcome oral cancer!

We really have the potential to overcome this disease in B.C. Through your support for our research, we can detect at-risk oral lesions at the stage that is easiest to treat them, with less harm to the patient; we can identify aggressive cancers that will spread to the lymph nodes and treat these early to save lives; and we can empower these patients to face the disease and get back to their normal life.

Cancer has impacted many of us in different ways. We really need and would greatly appreciate your support!
