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RED FM Radiothon raises $240,000 to bring a new pharmacy to BC Cancer–Surrey

April 24, 2018

Found in News

SURREY– April 20, 2018 – Thanks to the generosity of RED FM listeners, an extraordinary $240,000 was raised to improve cancer care through a single day RED FM radiothon on April 18th. The funds will expand cancer care with a brand new pharmacy at BC Cancer—Surrey.

“With more than 65 volunteers involved, we are thrilled to have raised $240,000 that will benefit the BC Cancer Foundation and bring a life-saving new pharmacy to BC Cancer in Surrey,” says RED FM President, Kulwinder Sanghera. “A heartfelt thank you goes out to our listeners for helping improve cancer care in our community.”

Thanks to the community’s incredible support, funds raised during the one day radiothon have enabled a major expansion of a state-of-the-art on-site pharmacy to become a reality. These funds will have a direct impact on the lives of individuals facing cancer.

“The care I received as a patient at BC Cancer—Surrey was life-saving, and I know that a new, on-site pharmacy offering progressive treatments will continue to change the story for patients, creating a community of survivors,” says Saroj Ludhera, breast cancer survivor and Surrey resident.

“BC Cancer is extremely thankful. An expanded, new pharmacy will allow us to treat more patients and develop the most advanced treatments for patients in need,” says Dr. Gary Pansegrau, medical leader, BC Cancer—Surrey.

This year, BC Cancer—Surrey will see 38,365 patient visits and 3,014 new patient consultations. More than 40 per cent of these new patients will be from the South Asian community. The new pharmacy will provide life-saving chemotherapy treatments delivered in the centre’s new chemotherapy unit.

“We’re tremendously grateful to RED FM for a momentous day filled with inspiration,” says Sarah Roth, president & CEO, BC Cancer Foundation. “To the gracious donors and listeners of RED FM, thanks to you, BC Cancer is poised to bring patients world-class cancer treatments close to home.”

To learn more, please visit here.

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RED FM (CKYE FM) is a high quality South Asian multicultural radio station. Guided by its philosophy “by the community, for the community,” RED FM firmly believes in strengthening local health services by galvanizing the community to participate in fundraising Radiothons.

The BC Cancer Foundation is the fundraising partner of BC Cancer. Together with our donors we are changing the outcome for people affected by cancer in B.C. and beyond by connecting personalized care, innovative research and opportunities to contribute. We are the largest funder of cancer in B.C. and every dollar raised stays right here at BC Cancer to advance research, enhance care and break down cancer to benefit the people of B.C.