Dr. Pierre Lane, senior scientist, will use the support from his Strategic Priority Fund award to embark on his research project titled Novel image-guided biopsy devices for peripheral lung nodules.
Project Summary
With advances in CT scanning, potentially cancerous lung nodules can be found earlier than ever before. However, there is an outstanding problem locating and sampling these nodules for treatment planning as they are often located in airways too small to be accessed safely via current techniques. The objective of this proposal is to develop tools to safely and accurately sample suspicious lung nodules in the small airways of the lungs. These tools will be guided by novel submillimeter 3-D optical imaging probes developed by the group.
The team will design and manufacturing sampling tools that complement the size of imaging probes. Dr. Lane and his team will these imaging and sampling tools in excised and living pig lungs to verify their safety and effectiveness. Success of this proposal will improve lung health for Canadians by improving the safety, accuracy and speed of lung cancer diagnoses to reduce patient anxiety, reduce follow-up procedures and provide faster referrals for treatment.
This project is also affiliated with Simon Fraser University, School of Engineering science and UBC, Biomedical Engineering Program.
“I am very honoured and humbled to receive this award from the BC Cancer Foundation,” says Dr. Lane. “The Strategic Priorities Fund is an important new program that will further enable new discoveries by scientists and clinicians at the BC Cancer Agency. My award in particular will enable the development of an image-guided biopsy tool that will improve the diagnostic yield of tissue samples collected during bronchoscopy, leading to more timely and accurate diagnosis of lung cancer.”