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Strength in numbers

June 23, 2010

What a weekend!  The second Ride to Conquer Cancer was an overwhelming success, with 2,252 riders raising $9.2 million for cancer research right here in British Columbia.

This was all made possible by all the riders and their generous donors and supporters, as well as the amazing Ride crew and volunteers.

Thank you to all the cancer patients and survivors who rode with their yellow flags – you were truly an inspiration to all of us.

Thank you to everyone involved – you made the 2010 Ride the historic and memorable event it was.

Last year, I had just joined the Foundation when the Ride took place.  I really felt like I was missing out on something, and couldn’t wait to register for 2010.

Even though the Ride was a big physical challenge, and even though my legs hurt (especially after I rode past the first pit stop on Day 2), I wouldn’t change a second of it.

Doug Nelson, President & CEO BC Cancer Foundation

Me at the border – the first pit stop Saturday

I’ve already registered for next year, and if you haven’t yet, you should do it early, before it fills up.

It’s an awesome experience you won’t want to miss.

Warm regards,