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We want to try something new, so we’re adding new voices to our blog

July 15, 2019

Found in General

Dr. Kim Chi, Kristin Armstrong, Carol and Leigh Pan

Your support matters.

The BC Cancer Foundation blog offers us a unique platform to connect our supporters, like you, with the people you support and the impact you make for patients and families.

Our blog has been a great forum to share timely, in depth, advancements taking place in BC Cancer’s labs and clinics, progress that donors make possible.

Together, we are changing outcomes so we’ve focused on sharing these advancements with you.

We’re excited to add more voices to our blog.

We will feature expert clinicians like Dr. Kim Chi, who was recently named the new leader of BC Cancer, to introduce the latest medical breakthroughs. We will profile inspiring patient stories from brave individuals like Kristin Armstrong, who is beating the odds living with leukemia.

These stories wouldn’t be possible without donor support so we will also introduce powerful testimonials from donors like Carol and Leigh Pan. The Pans donated $1 million to help change outcomes after Carol received treatment at BC Cancer.

Each of these voices shape our community and we’re looking forward to each unique perspective we can share with you.

Thanks for reading,
