Hayley Henry

The Campaign

Peninsula Co-op has generously pledged to match your donations, up to $100,000, until December 6.

Donations will be matched to support the BC Cancer Foundation’s Giving Tuesday campaign and the development of the new BC Cancer – Victoria Ernie & Yvonne Yakimovich Integrated Care and Research Pavilion.

The fully donor-funded Pavilion, a 12,000-square-foot building at 2340 Richmond Road, will provide a dedicated space for BC Cancer’s essential Supportive Care programs, including Patient & Family Counselling, Hereditary Counselling and Medical Genetics.

“Peninsula Co-op is providing the community with a unique opportunity to make a transformative impact. Every dollar raised will profoundly improve the care journey for thousands of local patients and their families each year.”

– William Litchfield, Executive Director – Vancouver Island, BC Cancer Foundation.

Peninsula Co-op

Our Generous Donors

With over 120,000 members, Peninsula Co-op has proudly served Vancouver Island for nearly 50 years and is deeply committed to supporting initiatives that improve health and well-being for local residents.

Hayley Henry

Double Your Donation

Life Beyond Cancer is within reach.

Don’t miss out! Give today to have your donation matched by Peninsula Co-op.