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Testicular Cancer

For more information, contact:

Vanessa Stevens
Development Officer

April is testicular cancer awareness month and the BC Cancer Foundation has reinvented the traditional awareness ribbon with a ballsy new campaign to remind men to pay attention to their bodies!

The incidence rate of testicular cancer has almost quadrupled in the past 40 years. While testicular cancer is highly treatable, awareness levels are low.

So, take a minute to check em! If you notice any abnormalities, see your doctor.

You can also help fuel testicular cancer research and improve outcomes for patients in B.C. right now with a gift today, or show your support by picking up a Ballsy Ribbon pin at London Drugs stores across B.C. during the month of April. All proceeds will benefit testicular cancer research at BC Cancer.

How to self-check for testicular cancer:

  • Step 1: Perform the test during or after a hot shower or bath
  • Step 2: Test one testicle at a time by gently rolling it between your thumb and fingers.
  • Step 3: If you notice any hard lumps, smooth rounded bumps, or changes in size and consistency, contact your doctor.