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BC Cancer Agency Scientists Find Solution for Cancer Imaging

June 10, 2013

Hello everyone,

I am pleased to share exciting news from the BC Cancer Agency: Dr. François Bénard and his colleagues have made medical history in B.C. by producing significant quantities of medical isotopes without the aid of nuclear reactors. This milestone comes at a crucial time, as medical isotopes—which are vital to detecting cancer and other medical conditions—are currently in short supply world-wide. Read more.

The BC Cancer Agency’s Centre of Excellence for Functional Cancer Imaging is led by Dr. Bénard and focuses its research on advanced imaging techniques that can be used in a range of cancer research applications. With the support of donors from across the province, the BC Cancer Agency installed its own cyclotron and radiopharmaceutical facility at the Vancouver Centre in 2010, which made this discovery possible.  

With the Ride to Conquer Cancer coming up this weekend, this breakthrough is an excellent reminder of the vital role donors play in supporting research at the BC Cancer Agency that directly impacts the lives of thousands of British Columbians living with cancer.

Thank you for being our partners in discovery!
