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BC Cancer Foundation Announces $52.2 Million for Life-saving Cancer Research in British Columbia

June 18, 2015

Found in News

VANCOUVER, B.C. – The BC Cancer Foundation announced $52.2 million raised in support of life-saving cancer research. Through the generosity of 100,000 British Columbians the Foundation is the largest funder of cancer research in B.C., supporting breakthrough discoveries that result in life-saving advancements for those facing cancer.

“This year, our donors rallied with overwhelming support to ensure that more and more British Columbians diagnosed with cancer are able to say three important words: ‘I’m Still Here’,” said Greg D’Avignon, Chair, BC Cancer Foundation Board of Directors. He continued: “Our donors allow the best and brightest scientific minds in the world to reach new heights in cancer knowledge and care.” The impact of donor support can be measured in the giant leaps made in the understanding and treatment of cancer. BC Cancer Foundation funds enabled;

  • A medical breakthrough when the Personalized Onco-Genomics (POG) Program identified a high blood pressure medication as a life-saving treatment for a patient
  • A study provides the data for a world-wide prevention model for a deadly form of hereditary stomach cancer for individuals who carry a CDH1 mutation
  • A breakthrough discovery in breast cancer proving that cancer cells evolve in response to time and treatment similar to superbugs
  • Life-enhancing clinical trials open-up offering High Dose Rate Brachytherapy for lung and gynecological cancers.
  • A ‘made-in-B.C’ immune monitoring system will measure the effectiveness and patient response to emerging immunotherapy clinical trials for patients across Canada.

BC Cancer Foundation donors have ensured that the highest priority research initiatives taking place at the BC Cancer Agency will be well supported. Highlights include; $5 million raised for the Personalized Onco-Genomics (POG) Program at the 10th annual Inspiration Gala; $9.4 million raised for priority cancer research through the sixth annual Ride to Conquer Cancer; and $6.5 million for VERO, a first-in-Canada radiotherapy treatment system that will underpin a program for rare and hard to treat cancers.

The BC Cancer Foundation’s annual board elections welcomed new directors; Mary Buttery and Jatinder Rai to the board. Directors continuing on this year include: Greg D’Avignon, Chair, Dr. Samuel Abraham, Robert Conconi, Randy Bartsch, Mike Heskin, Doug Holtby, Michael Kennedy, Dean Kirkham, Joanne McLeod, Derrold Norgaard, Carl Roy, Andrea Shaw, Randy Smallwood, Andrew Sweeney, Kirsten Tisdale, Shane Worman, and David Zacks. The Foundation is incredibly grateful to exiting board members: Jess Ketchum, past chair, Monika Deol, Kevin Irvine, Anna Nyarady and Jane Young for their contributions.

The Foundation lost standing board member John Auston to cancer earlier this year. His passion for the cause and guidance around the boardroom table will be missed. The foundation is honoured to establish a new Clinical Investigator Award in his name: John Auston Clinical Investigator Award.

For more on the impact of BC Cancer Foundation donor dollars, read our 2015 Annual Report or visit https://bccancerfoundation.com/about-us/annual-report/ for our full audited financial statements. 


For more information or to arrange an interview please contact:

Allison Colina, Communications Manager
BC Cancer Foundation
t. 604.707.5934
e. allison.colina@bccancer.bc.ca

The BC Cancer Foundation is the bridge that connects philanthropic support and research breakthroughs in cancer knowledge. As the fundraising partner of the BC Cancer Agency and the largest funder of cancer research in this province, we enable donors to make contributions to leading-edge research that has a direct impact on improvements to cancer care for patients in British Columbia. We fund with the goal of finding solutions. Visit www.bccancerfoundation.com to make a donation or to learn how you can make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.