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Centre for Lymphoid Cancer is among the top lymphoid cancer research centres in the world

September 1, 2014

Found in News

The Agency’s Centre for Lymphoid Cancer (CLC) is one of the top lymphoid cancer research centres in the world

The Agency’s Centre for Lymphoid Cancer (CLC) is one of the top lymphoid cancer research centres in the world, based on the strength of its team of researchers, emphasis on a multi-disciplinary approach to new treatments and diagnostics and access to a comprehensive tumour tissue bank and outcomes unit database. Support has enabled researchers to build infrastructure for a provincial treatment delivery system with an excellent rate of success, and accelerate clinically-relevant discoveries. In one year, CLC researchers, working closely with scientists at the Genome Sciences Centre (GSC) led by Dr. Marco Marra, laid the groundwork for success in the areas of province-wide processes, validated techniques, and cost effectiveness.