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Dr. Howard Lim: Mad-Scientist kid turned cancer researcher

December 8, 2015

Thanks to the BC Cancer Foundation for inviting me to be a guest blogger!  I am a medical oncologist at the BC Cancer Agency Vancouver Centre, specializing in gastrointestinal cancer. I look forward to posting over the holiday season.

I grew up in Vancouver, and my interest in science started when I was in elementary school, mainly due to trips to the library where I read books on do-it-yourself science experiments. I blew up potatoes, jumped off the balcony with garbage bags as a parachute, and other mad-scientist type adventures.

Prior to going to medical school, I was fortunate to do research at the BC Cancer Agency Research Centre under Dr. Marcel Bally, in the Department of Advanced Therapeutics. One of the great things that I witnessed was how research could be translated over to patient care seamlessly.

I completed my training in medical oncology at the BC Cancer Agency and then did additional training in gastrointestinal malignancies at the Oregon Health Sciences University, before coming on staff at the Agency in 2008.

I am very fortunate to have many great mentors both at the Agency and elsewhere.  The great thing about working at the BC Cancer Agency is how amazing the people are to work with.  Every one cares about what they do. From the lab technicians, volunteers, care aides, clerks, nurses, social workers, translators, scientists, librarians— it truly is great to work with such a fantastic team.

