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How Philanthropy Fuels Cancer Research

September 25, 2015

BC Cancer Foundation donors have been vital in establishing my research lab and the projects that my group currently has underway.

When I was reaching the end of my postdoctoral fellowship and looking for job opportunities as an independent investigator, I didn’t think that coming back to B.C. would be a possibility. Although I had a very novel skill set and research platform, I was told that it was unlikely that institutions in Canada would provide the resources necessary to support such a program. I was interviewing throughout the United States and had received offers from large institutions, resigned to the fact that I would be continuing my career down south.

However, as part of the 2013 Inspiration Gala, BC Cancer Foundation donors raised funds for lung cancer research, including setting aside a considerable portion for the recruitment of a new scientist and establishment of a research lab focusing on drug discovery.

I was lucky enough to receive this position and accomplish my dream of conducting cutting edge research in my home province. Thus, donors have made my entire program possible and for that, I will be forever thankful!

Cancer Research: A Global Initiative Close to Home

While cancer research is truly a global initiative, there are very clear benefits from having a world-class cancer research centre close to home.

Strong basic science programs investigating the underlying causes of cancer, combined with leading clinical programs that facilitate the translation of new findings enable better patient care. Institutes with this capability are on the leading edge of discovery, giving their patients first access to potentially transformative initiatives.

As my story illustrates, donations play a huge part in this process at the BC Cancer Agency, not only in recruiting the next generation of leaders in cancer research but in growing the world-class research programs already established. Donations to the BC Cancer Foundation are therefore the key to making sure B.C. remains a leader in cancer outcomes in the decades to come – your support in making this happen is greatly appreciated!
