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Introducing December Guest Blogger Dr. Wayne Beckham

December 2, 2014

December is off to an exciting start, with yesterday’s publication of a paper by BC Cancer Agency scientists in the prestigious journal Nature.

In the paper, Dr. Sam Aparicio, Dr. Sohrab Shah and their colleagues describe how breast cancers evolve over time and become resilient to treatment. These revolutionary findings will change the way drugs are developed to treat cancer in the future.

I want to thank our November guest blogger, Dr. Janessa Laskin, for giving us a closer look at the Personalized Onco-Genomics (POG) Program and how it is changing our understanding of cancer treatment and care. POG is a truly remarkable initiative and we are fortunate that it is happening right here in B.C.

I am very pleased to welcome our final blogger for 2014. Dr. Wayne Beckham is the BC Cancer Agency’s Provincial Medical Physics Leader, based at the Vancouver Island Centre. Please join me in following along this month as Dr. Beckham explains the important role medical physics plays in cancer care and how cutting-edge technology can be applied to improve outcomes for patients.

Thanks for reading,