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Introducing January Guest Blogger Dr. Randy Gascoyne

January 7, 2015

Happy New Year! Before I introduce our first blogger of 2015, I have some very exciting news to share: thanks to the generosity of BC Cancer Foundation donors, we have reached our $6.5 million fundraising target to purchase a state-of-the-art VERO™ radiotherapy system, the first of its kind in Canada. Thank you all for making the acquisition of this life-saving equipment possible!

Please visit our website to read more about the significant impact VERO™ will have for patients diagnosed with hard-to-treat cancers.


I’d like to say thank you to our December guest blogger, Dr. Wayne Beckham, for illustrating the important role medical physics plays in the delivery of excellent radiation treatment for B.C.’s cancer patients.

I am very pleased to welcome our January guest blogger, Dr. Randy Gascoyne. Dr. Gascoyne is an expert in lymphoma diagnosis and classification and is involved in many national and international efforts dedicated to the study of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. He also co-leads the BC Cancer Agency’s Centre for Lymphoid Cancer. I hope you will join me in following Dr. Gascoyne’s blog posts this month.

Thanks for reading,