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Introducing March’s Guest Blogger — Dr. Sharlene Gill

March 8, 2011

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. It is important to take a moment and reflect on your awareness of this disease. Did you know that it’s the third most common cancer diagnosis for men and women in Canada? There will be over 22,000 diagnoses in Canada this year alone.

Our monthly bloggers continually highlight how important research is to improving care for patients. Because of the expertise and collaboration that occurs at the BC Cancer Agency, the translation from research discovery to improved clinical practice happens regularly and with expediency.

This translation has made improvements for colorectal cancer patients and has happened because of the participation of Agency clinicians and researchers. This month, Dr. Sharlene Gill, medical oncologist and Chair of the Gastrointestinal Tumour Group at the BC Cancer Agency, relates her story of becoming interested in cancer care and how this interest led her to a career at the Agency.

Warm regards,
