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Dr. Chris Baliski
Jackie Ellis

Leave a Legacy Gift

Cancer is the largest health problem facing our generation — nearly half of all Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. And cancer research can take years of painstaking, diligent work.

The BC Cancer Foundation funds leading-edge research by scientists at BC Cancer who are discovering new and better ways to diagnose, treat and prevent the disease. This vital knowledge is improving — and saving — the lives of men, women and children in communities throughout British Columbia.

As they continue with their research, our world-class scientists need their studies to be funded for as long as it takes to find the next breakthrough. And that’s where you can help — by remembering the BC Cancer Foundation in your will.

A gift in your will

Guidance for Creating a Will

Whether or not you already have a will, you may wish to receive professional help from a legal advisor experienced in preparing wills. If you need help finding a suitable legal advisor, we will be very happy to help you. We can also help ensure that your donation will be used as you intend by providing suggested clause language, which you can provide to your legal advisor.

Tara Sawatsky and Family

Create a Will Online

We have partnered with Epilogue, an online Will platform designed to help you create the Will you need and realize the legacy you wish to leave behind. Time and cost are common estate planning barriers for our donors. Our hope is that this will help make the process of creating a Will more accessible. However, if you have complex needs or specific wishes, we continue to encourage you to speak with your advisors.

Why Consider A Gift In Your Will To The BC Cancer Foundation?

By planning a gift to the BC Cancer Foundation, you can maximize the benefits to you, your family and the Foundation and ensure your gift fits your circumstances and needs. Bequests to the BC Cancer Foundation made through your will give us the security of future funds. By arranging to leave a bequest and telling us about it now, you can help us plan the life-saving research of tomorrow and fully commit to BC Cancer’s critical work today.

Radiation therapy

How Will Your Legacy Gift Be Used?

The BC Cancer Foundation funds the areas of greatest priority and promise identified by BC Cancer’s brilliant scientists and clinicians. These projects hold the potential to revolutionize the way we prevent and treat cancer, by putting research into practice.

By generously supporting this life-saving work, our donors are helping make BC Cancer an international leader with some of the best outcomes in the world. They’re helping us find solutions that ensure life beyond cancer is within reach for the 80,000 British Columbians who rely on cancer care each year.

Dr. Abe Alexander

Contact Us

For more information about leaving a gift in your will, or other types of planned gifts such as Endowment funds, RRSPs, RRIFs, or gifts of life insurance, a representative will look forward to speaking with you.

What’s In A Name?

When including a gift to the BC Cancer Foundation in your will or any other document, it is extremely important that you use our correct legal name: BC Cancer Foundation. Many charities have similar names and over 300 in Canada include the word “cancer”. Changing even one word in the name of a charity, such as using “society” instead of “foundation”, can lead to confusion and even problems in the administration of your estate. To avoid this, please make sure you use our full legal name when creating your bequest.

Legal Name: BC Cancer Foundation
Registration Number: 11881 8434 RR0001

Thank You to Our Donors

Dr. Lily Proctor

John Jambor Legacy Circle

The John Jambor Legacy Circle recognizes the BC Cancer Foundation donors who provide for a future gift through their will, registered plans, life insurance or other estate planning vehicle. This visionary commitment ensures that life-saving research and enhancements to care at BC Cancer continue to reach new heights.

In the estate plan the late John Jambor and his grandson William McCarthy created, Mr Jambor left a bequest to the BC Cancer Foundation that grew to $21.4 million and was gifted to the BC Cancer Foundation in 2012. This was the largest charitable bequest in B.C.’s history at the time.

Today, over 30 years after Mr. Jambor’s passing, the Jambor-McCarthy legacy continues to have a lasting impact on cancer research and care across the province. Mr. Jambor’s gift set into motion advancements that are transforming our understanding of cancer, benefiting many British Columbians now and for many years to come.

By leaving a gift in your will, you are joining the John Jambor Legacy Circle and helping us go Beyond Belief and making a lasting difference in our community.

Professional Advisor

For Professional Advisors

Donors fuel the innovation that save lives. And, in many cases, it starts with a conversation with an advisor.  If you’re an advisor and would like to learn more about supporting the BC Cancer Foundation, visit our For Professional Advisors page.

The above information is general in nature and is not intended as legal or tax advice. We can help you support cancer research and care in British Columbia by working with you and your financial and legal professional advisors.

To learn more about leaving a legacy gift to the BC Cancer Foundation, please fill in this form. We also welcome you or your advisor to contact us directly legacy@bccancer.bc.ca.